We change lives.

Community Transit Pass Program

In partnership with the City of Moncton and Codiac Transpo, the United Way of Greater Moncton and Southeastern NB is once again pleased to announce its administration of the Community Transit Pass Program for 2025, beginning February 24Public Transit enables a person to access employment, education, health and social services, food and recreation which contributes to health, well being and an overall stronger community.

Program intentions

This program, as evolved from its first phase in 2016, works to offer charitable organizations in our communities reduced rates on transit passes and tickets, to meet the transportation needs for our most vulnerable community members.

There are less funds available this year than in past years, so please note in bold those services or needs that will be prioritzed when passes are being requested. Tickets at the subsidized rates will be made available, until the budget is exhausted, to organizations who work to address the needs of those living in poverty through access to:

Eligibility Criteria:

Ticket/pass release schedule and fees:


Market value

Subsidized price

Single Ride (Tap Card)

$3.00 $1.50

10-Ride (Tap Card)

$29.00 $14.50

Release date

Total available subsidy*

February 24, 2025
May 1, 2025
August 1, 2025
November 1, 2025

* Amount available may shift following completion of Community Projected Needs Survey
** In the case that there is any remaining budget at the end of each quarter, it will be rolled over into the following quarter.

Tickets and passes will be sold to eligible organizations on a first come, first served basis, although priority will be given to the needs identified above and will be sold until the quarterly budget is exhausted.

To purchase tickets

Eligible organizations must make requests, using the online form found here.

Once a request is received, the organization will be invoiced and will be able to pick up its tickets upon receipt of payment.

Recipient agency responsibilities

Agencies will be asked to track the distribution of their tickets/passes, noting the intended use. They will also have to complete a short usage surveys at the end of each quarter in which they’ve received tickets as well as a final survey at year end.