You have landed on this page because you have been invited to participate in the Consultation process about your experiences accessing or trying to access Mental Health Services in New Brunswick.
You have been asked to either:
Parent Registration Youth Registration
The Government of New Brunswick (GNB) offers children and youth mental health services through various departments, now all of the services are contained in the Integrated Service Delivery program (ISD). What this means is when you receive help from a counselor, social worker, probation officer, doctor, and others – all these people are working for you and quite often the GNB is supporting them in their work. Get more info here!
The Network of Excellence, a group overseeing the children and youth mental health experience for GNB, wants to learn from the families of children (under 12) and youth (13-17) who have received or tried to receive mental health services in NB. They want to know what is working, what is not working, and ideas on how to improve. Your stories and real life experience are essential to help GNB improve their service experiences. All the stories you share will be recorded in general notes and not identifying information will be captured. Your stories and ideas will be shared internally within the Government of New Brunswick allowing its staff them to improve services and better support children and youth in accessing mental health service offerings in NB.
The evaluation consultation is taking place November to December 2018 and session will be with youth 13-17 and parents of children 12 and under. Conversations will be held in multiple communities across New Brunswick, please, register for the conversation closest to you.
*Childminding and transport support available upon request
**Want to participate but not comfortable chatting in a group of 4-6 people? Let us know and we will see what can be organised.
The information shared during these session will be compiled and presented in form of an insights report that will not be published. However, the report will highlight areas where mental health services for children and youth can can enhance or improve to ensure people feel heard and supported during their journey and be included in internal reports. All the information that is shared with the facilitator will remain confidential and no names or identifying information will be documented and in the report.
All the conversations will be guided by Joanna Brown on behalf of United Way of Greater Moncton Southeast NB. She is the main point person for the consultation process please feel free to reach out to her regarding the process.
Joanna is passionate about helping organisations design services and experiences for the people who use them. Her role is to help collect people’s stories and insights about how they feel and engage in an experience and translate that to how an organisation can evolve to better address the desires and needs of those accessing their services. Joanna has used these skills to help be a project leader in the non-profit community for the last 10 years focusing on building collaborations and partnerships to address community service gaps.